A: How's your holiday in England going?
B: Terrible! No one told me about the currency, so I have to go fishing.
A: What? Why?
B: I tried to buy some food and the guy in the shop said that it would cost six squid.
A: You mean quid.
B: Well, hark at the naysayer. I will not quit. I will catch a squid. Or three hundred.
A: Quid means pound. The currency is pounds.
B: Pounds? How can pounds possibly be a currency? How many are there in England? How many squid do I need to catch to buy a whole pound? If I just round up a bunch of stray animals, will that qualify as a pound? How many animals do you need before you can call it a pound?
A: You know what? Forget what I said. Go catch some squid. Use your tongue as bait.
B: I have some inkling of how it's done.
A: Do you now?
B: Get it? Inkling? Because of squid ink? I was eating some squid earlier today when I thought of that pun.
A: You were eating squid? How did you acquire it?
B: I bought it.
A: You did what?
B: Oh, yeah, I know what pounds and quid mean. I just wanted to make the squid and inkling pun. I guess you -
A: I hate you.
B: - took the bait.
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